Building More Just Food Systems
We believe that sustainable change can't be made in our food systems without addressing problems of equity that were built into its early structures.
Start Your Learning Journey
Here are a few resources illuminating the history of our food systems and the need for food sovereignty.
Articles & Reports:
Ways To Take Action
Here are a few ways to move past thinking and into doing to help us shape a more just food system.
Self education
Join us each April as we participate with thousands across the nation in the New England Food Solution's 21 Day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge
Consider what your role in reparations could look like locally. Here's an example of resources our community identified at the 2021 Producers Summit.
Political action
[Who to follow for updates on policy affecting agriculture in Colorado and nationally]
Check out this Find Your Representative Tool and contact your elected official encouraging them to support equitable bills and legislation.
Consider supporting a BIPOC led small farm through CSA participation, shopping, etc. Explore our farm partner directory to see what farms are near you.
Be an ambassador
Share what you are learning with friends and family and invite them along on your journey.
other ways to connect
Consider joining our Justice & Equity action committee for monthly meetings, strategizing, and planning to make real change within the Denver metro.
Reach out to {TBD} to ask to be added to the e-mail list for this action group.